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Mont-Blanc Granite Volume 5, a rock climbing guide - Val Veny (I)

Mont-Blanc Granite Volume 5, a rock climbing guide - Val Veny (I)

Date de parution : 12/06/2023

Résumé : Volume five in the MONT-BLANC GRANITE collection describes the best routes on the Italian face of Mont Blanc, covering three unspoilt basins overlooking Val Veny.These south-facing cirques are home to some of the world’s most famous granite walls — Pillars of Brouillard, Pillars of Frêney and the Aiguille Noire de Peuterey – as well as many less well-known and recently (re)equipped spires and faces.Excellent rock, major peaks, characterful climbing and anincredible ambiance are just some of the reasons for visitingthese high-altitude cliffs and long, alpine ridges.116 unforgettable rock climbs.
Sur commande
28.50 €

Fiche technique
Ean : 9782918824459
Rayon(s) :
Pages : 260
Poids : 270 g
Hauteur : 175 cm
Largeur : 125 cm
Epaisseur : 11 cm