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The Intelligence behind Nature

The Intelligence behind Nature

Date de parution : 21/10/2021
Collection(s) : LE CHANT DU CYGNE

Résumé : This book explores the conscious intelligence operating throughnature, through every tree, river system, or flower. The author brings examples of what the work of nature spirits concretely consists of and how organized and complex nature is operating, managing the transition from non-physical energy/consciouisness to physical manifestation.It is characteristic of us 'civilized people' to deal with nature from a purely anthropocentric point of view, even when this is called eco-centric in the ecologist movement and the rights of nature initiatives. It is presumed that in nature there are no intelligentcommunication partners that can express their own point of view.The shift in consciousness that occurred with Newtonian science in the 17th century, splitting away and ignore the conscious intelligence of nature, created our whole unbalance and alienation towards nature and life.Recent philosophical discoveries confirm that consciousness is based on feelings and does not need a brain in order to perate. Quantum field theory and energy science are possibly converging in the understanding of how energy layers operate and become transformed into matter, one coming from physics, the other from spiritual healing.Recent philosophical discoveries confirm that conscious-ness is based on feelings and does not need a brain in order to operate. Quantum field theory and energy science are possibly converging in the understanding of how energy layers operate and become transformed into matter, one coming from physics, the other from spiritual healing. Any communication with possible conscious beings in nature needs to fulfil some basic criteria espacially when evaluating whether they can contribute to political or legal decisions. A recent interview with the Loire River Elemental can give an idea of how useful such a cooperation might be.
20,00 €

Fiche technique
Ean : 9782322380619
Rayon(s) :
Pages : 168
Poids : 253 g
Hauteur : 210 cm
Largeur : 148 cm
Epaisseur : 10 cm