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The Kybalion, A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

The Kybalion, A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

Editeur(s) CULTUREA
Date de parution : 21/07/2024
Collection(s) : Alchimie et hermétisme

Résumé : Unlock the secrets of the universe with "The Kybalion," the definitive guide to the ancient wisdom of Hermeticism. This occult classic, shrouded in mystery, claims to be the essence of the teachings of the legendary sage Hermes Trismegistus. Penned by the enigmatic "Three Initiates," the book unveils seven universal principles that are the key to understanding the very fabric of reality.Delve into the Principle of Mentalism, which asserts that "All is Mind" and that the universe is a mental creation. Explore the Principle of Correspondence, encapsulated in the famous maxim "As above, so below," revealing the intricate web connecting the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. Discover the Principle of Vibration, which states that everything is in constant motion, and the Principle of Polarity, which teaches that opposites are merely two extremes of the same thing.Unravel the mysteries of the Principle of Rhythm, the ebb and flow that governs all life, and the Principle of Cause and Effect, the inescapable law of causality. Finally, grasp the Principle of Gender, which permeates all creation, from the physical to the mental and spiritual realms.But "The Kybalion" is more than just a theoretical treatise. It is a practical guide to mastering your mind and shaping your reality through the art of Mental Transmutation. Learn to harness the power of thought, align yourself with the universal laws, and unlock your limitless potential.Whether you are a seeker of New Age Spirituality, a student of Esoteric Philosophy, or simply a curious explorer of Metaphysical Phenomena, "The Kybalion" is an indispensable addition to your Wisdom Traditions library. Dive into this transformative work and embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.The true identity of the "Three Initiates," the mysterious authors of "The Kybalion," remains a closely guarded secret. Speculation abounds, with many scholars attributing the work to William Walker Atkinson, a prolific writer and pioneer of the New Thought movement.Atkinson, born in 1862 in Baltimore, Maryland, was a man of many talents. He began his career as a lawyer but soon felt drawn to the realm of spirituality and occultism. Under numerous pseudonyms, including Yogi Ramacharaka and Theron Q. Dumont, Atkinson penned over 100 books on topics ranging from yoga and meditation to psychic development and the power of the mind.A key figure in the New Thought movement, Atkinson believed in the transformative power of the mind and the unity of all creation. His teachings emphasized the mastery of thought and the attainment of self-realization through the understanding of universal principles.
14,00 €

Fiche technique
Ean : 9791043104916
Rayon(s) :
Pages : 126
Poids : 174 g
Hauteur : 210 cm
Largeur : 148 cm
Epaisseur : 7 cm