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Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie n° 33 (2024)

Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie n° 33 (2024)

Editeur(s) EFEO
Date de parution : 21/11/2024

Résumé : Sommaire / ContentsMarc-Henri DEROCHE, IKEDA Takumi & IWAO KazushiÀ nos lectrices et à nos lecteurs / To Our ReadersNotes on Linguistic ConventionsINTRODUCTION GÉNÉRALE / GENERAL INTRODUCTIONMarc-Henri DEROCHE, IKEDA Takumi & IWAO KazushiPerspectives on the Civilization of Tibet from the Standpoint of JapanDOSSIERONODA Shunzo The Foundations of Tibetan Studies in Japan: The Pioneering Efforts of Cataloging the Otani and Tohoku CollectionsIUCHI Maho Japanese Research on Postimperial Tibet: Medieval and Buddhist HistoryMarc-Henri DEROCHEThe Rising Sun of the Great Perfection: The Japanese Reception of Dzogchen, a Philosophical and Contemplative Tradition of Tibetan BuddhismIWAO Kazushi Old Tibetan Studies in Japan: 1920s–2020sKOMATSUBARA YuriHistorical Studies in Japan on the Qing Dynasty Relationship with TibetKOBAYASHI RyosukeContemporary Research Trends in Early Twentieth-Century Japan-Tibet RelationsOKAWA Kensaku Studies of Modern Tibet in Japan: Anthropology, Social History, and Political ScienceEBIHARA Shiho The Historical Development of Tibetan Linguistics in JapanIKEDA Takumi Aspects of the Acquisition of the Tibetan Language (Literary and Colloquial) by Japanese Researchers from the Late Nineteenth to Early Twenty-First CenturyInterview with IMAEDA Yoshiro, by Marc-Henri DEROCHE & Christophe MARQUETA Trajectory in Tibetan Studies from Japan to France, and from Ancient Texts to Contemporary SocietiesVARIALEE Chian-wei Techniques de fabrication de la statue articulée de Mazu à Taïwan. L’exemple de la statue du temple Chitian à Mengjia COMPTES RENDUS / BOOK REVIEWSFabienne JAGOUYumiko Ishihama, Makoto Tachibana, Ryosuke Kobayashi & Takehiko Inoue, The Resurgence of “Buddhist Government”: Tibetan-Mongolian Relations in the Modern WorldÉléonore CAROFrançoise Lauwaert, Gouverner le peuple et soigner les corps. Quatre épidémies dans l’empire chinoisFrançois LACHAUDOtani Toru, Chugoku no shinigamiCHEN MeilongLi Guo, Douglas Eyman & Hongmei Sun, eds., Games and Play in Chinese and Sinophone CulturesAuteurs du présent volume / Contributors to This Volume
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40.00 €

Fiche technique
Ean : 9782855391854
Rayon(s) :
Pages : 268
Poids : 504 g
Hauteur : 240 cm
Largeur : 160 cm
Epaisseur : 16 cm