Librairie Une Autre Page - Croissy sur Seine

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Editeur(s) SNOECK GENT
Date de parution : 30/11/2019
Collection(s) : sports et aventure
Série(s) : sports et aventure

Résumé : This visually-pleasing publication offers thorough insight into the history, technique and various disciplines of this contemporary winter sport. The book offers many lively experiences and anecdotes from the featured experts who partook in the sport's development over the last 30 years. They are the pioneers who pushed the limits of the (im)possible to embark on far-fetched snowy adventures. More than one hundred artistic photographs allow the reader to dream-travel on vicarious snowkite journeys in polar or alpine regions, uniquely powered by the silent force of the wind to flow in a rarely-experienced state of total freedom.Dixie Dansercoer has organised and executed a long list of ambitious long-distance expeditions both in the Arctic and Antarctic. Amongst his most remarkable ‘first' expeditions are the integral crossing of the Antarctic continent, a 106- day crossing of the Arctic Ocean and the circumnavigation of Greenland by snowkite, his prime area of expertise. He is one of the few accredited Master Polar Guides (International Polar Guides Association) and together with his wife Julie Brown, has created Polar Experience. This unnique guiding concept, based on a three-level approach with focus on in-depth training for the client encompasses also a healthy respect for safety and belief in top-quality equipment, Dixie and his team of highly qualified guides guarantee a flawless experience. Dixie has authored - alone or as a co-writer - 27 books, helped produce 5 documentary movies and is a public speaker. Eric Bonnem, avid traveller from Lyon and promoter of nature, adventure and expedition travel, is the founder of the Secret Planet-Group. His focus lies on polar expeditions (traverses, North & South Pole) and high altitude expeditions (Everest, Manaslu and other 8000m peaks). Market leader in the organisation of extreme expeditions, he thrives on working together with the best polar guides with an intense partnership with Polar Experience and prides himself on working with the most-respected French alpine guides. For training, he offers theoretical and practical preparation clinics to be ready to go on self-reliant polar, snowkite or climbing expeditions in complete autonomy. For that, his experience in intricate logistics tactics have proven their efficiency and he strongly believes that his quest for excellence and service for a demanding public may not be compromised. The story & the images from stunning kite-professionals :Dixie Dansercoer, Troy Henkels, Felix Kersten, Dominic Zimmerman, Jonas Lengweiler, Johann Civel, Arnaud Wareck
34.00 €

Fiche technique
Ean : 9789461615503
Rayon(s) :
Pages : 0
Poids : 1440 g
Hauteur : 306 cm
Largeur : 306 cm
Epaisseur : 18 cm