Librairie Une Autre Page - Croissy sur Seine

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Editeur(s) DAR AN NAHAR
Date de parution : 01/05/2025
Série(s) : Trade and Economy

Résumé : Beyond Borders offers essential guidance for both novice exporters and seasoned professionals seeking the latest insights. This comprehensive handbook equips companies with the tools to penetrate and thrive in the American market. With over a decade of experience advising FMCG businesses, Sam A. Jaoude presents a systematic framework for successful exporting.
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20.00 €

Fiche technique
Ean : 9789953744629
Rayon(s) :
Pages : 119
Poids : 240 g
Hauteur : 240 cm
Largeur : 170 cm
Epaisseur : 7 cm