Ordinatio oxoniensis in primum librum Sententiarum
Editeur(s) VRIN
Date de parution :
Série(s) :
Textes philosophiques du Moyen Âge
Résumé :
This is the first volume devoted to the critical edition of any part of the Franciscan Adam Wodeham’s Ordinatio on the Sentences, stemming from lectures delivered at the University of Oxford during the 1331-1332 academic year. Wodeham was engaged in constant debate with his fellow bachelors of the Sentences over issues linked to grace, merit, sin, demerit, and the human will. In particular, Wodeham and his interlocutors quarrelled over the mathematics and the physics of these topics. Here Wodeham’s primary opponent was Richard FitzRalph, who was occupied with revising his own Lectura on the Sentences . Based on the four manuscripts known to preserve the full text of book I, this edition covers questions 8-9 of distinction 1, which are questions 10-11 of the Ordinatio overall : Utrum voluntas possit simul et subito producere actum voluntarium meritoriae et liberae dilectionis and Utrum voluntas libere possit subito suspendere actum suum sive ab actu habito cessare . An appendix includes the briefer question Utrum actus voluntatis fiat subito in instanti , found in Vat. lat. 943, which appears to be from the original version of FitzRalph’s Lectura .
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28.00 €
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Ean :
Rayon(s) :
Pages :
Hauteur :
Largeur : 160 cm
Epaisseur : 11 cm
Largeur : 160 cm
Epaisseur : 11 cm