Librairie Une Autre Page - Croissy sur Seine

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Censorship emotions

Censorship emotions

Editeur(s) MAX MILO
Date de parution : 03/06/2025

Résumé : Politics, a dialogue of the deaf that defies comprehensionAcclaimed by many intellectuals, writers, humorists and stage directors, Grégoire's Euphorismes are a unique collection of profound or derisory maxims, combining dark humor and luminous paradoxes. Delicious to munch on from the back of your sofa, on your bike, on a plane or on the moon.In this new collection, Grégoire Lacroix offers us 300 new aphorisms to ponder on politics.1,000 copies will be offered to MPs and senators when the book is released.Grégoire Lacroix was born on October 3, 1933 and lives in Paris. Author of surrealist thrillers, journalist, poet and lyricist, jazz guitarist and specialist in photographic collages. For him, “humor is what keeps lucidity from sinking into bitterness”. He is a member of the Alphonse Allais Academy. For the past fifteen years, he has collaborated on all Claude Lelouch films.
Sur commande
18.00 €

Fiche technique
Ean : 9782315024735
Rayon(s) :
Pages : 0
Poids : 1 g
Hauteur : 525 cm
Largeur : 525 cm
Epaisseur : 0 cm